Association Between Statin Use and Psoriasis in Patients with Dyslipidemia: A Korean National Health Screening Cohort Study (Journal of Clinical Medicine)
Chronic Kidney Disease and Infection Risk: A Lower Incidence of Peritonsillar Abscesses in Specific CKD Subgroups in a 16-Year Korean Nationwide Cohort Study (MICROORGANISMS)
Potential Chemopreventive Role of Proton Pump Inhibitors in Head and Neck Cancer: Insights from a Nested Case£¿Control Analysis of a National Health Screening Cohort (Journal of Personalized Medicine)
Association Between Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Periodontitis: A Longitudinal Follow-Up Study from the Korean National Health Screening Cohort (Biomedicines)
Incidence and clinical course of post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome in patients admitted to university hospitals: 1-year prospective follow-up study (NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY)
Epidemiological Evidence for Upper Respiratory Infections as a Potential Risk Factor for Meniere's Disease: A Korean National Health Sample Cohort Study (MICROORGANISMS)
The Association between Statin Use and Reduced Migraine Likelihood: A Comprehensive Analysis of Migraine Subtypes and Statin Types in a Nationwide Korean Cohort (Pharmaceuticals)
Association between Gastric Cancer and Osteoporosis: A Longitudinal Follow-Up Study Using a National Health Sample Cohort (CANCERS)
The Association of Chronic Periodontitis as a Potential Risk Factor with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Nested Case-Control Study Using a Korean National Health Screening Cohort (BIOMEDICINES)
Efficacy, tolerability, and safety of oral sulfate tablet versus 2 L-polyethylene glycol/ascorbate for bowel preparation in older patients: prospective, multicenter, investigator single-blinded, randomized study (JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY)