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ÀüÈ­ ¿¹¾à 1577-1801

(ÁÖ°£) Áø·á½Ã°£Ç¥ (2025-01-13 ~ 2025-01-18)

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2002.03 ~ 2004.08ÇѾç´ëÇб³ ´ëÇпø ¹Ú»ç

1989.03 ~ 1995.02ÇѾç´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ Çлç



2018.01 ~ ´ëÇѳ»ºÐºñÇÐȸ ÆòÀÇ¿ø

2002.03 ~ ÇѸ²´ëÇб³¼º½Éº´¿ø ³»ºÐºñ³»°ú ±³¼ö

2017.01 ~ 2018.12´ëÇѳ»ºÐºñÇÐȸ ¹ýÁ¦ÀÌ»ç

2001.03 ~ 2002.02¹Ì±¹ ÇϹöµå´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ ºÎ¼Ó º´¿ø, Brigham & Women's Hospital












2014.08´ëÇÑ°©»ó¼±ÇÐȸ À¯À¯Çмú»ó ¼ö»ó

2008.11´ëÇѳ»ºÐºñÇÐȸ Çмú»ó ¼ö»ó

2007.05´ëÇѳ»ºÐºñÇÐȸ Çмú´ëȸ ¿ì¼ö³í¹®»ó ¼ö»ó

2007.01¹Ì±¹ Marquis Who¡¯s Who in the world µîÀç

2006.04´ëÇѳ»ºÐºñÇÐȸ Çмú´ëȸ ¿ì¼ö³í¹®»ó ¼ö»ó

2006.01¹Ì±¹ ABI ¡¯Great Minds of the 21st Century¡¯ ¼±Á¤

2006.01¿µ±¹ ÄÉÀӺ긮Áö IBC '2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century' ¼±Á¤

2006.01¿µ±¹ ÄÉÀӺ긮Áö IBC ¡¯International Health Professional Award of the Year for 2006¡¯ ¼ö»ó

2005.05´ëÇѳ»ºÐºñÇÐȸ Young Investigator's Award ¼ö»ó

2004.11´ëÇѳ»ºÐºñÇÐȸ Çмú»ó ¼ö»ó

2002.05´ëÇѳ»ºÐºñÇÐȸ Çмú´ëȸ ¿ì¼ö³í¹®»ó ¼ö»ó

1999.04´ëÇѳ»ºÐºñÇÐȸ Çмú´ëȸ ¿ì¼ö³í¹®»ó ¼ö»ó


Cholecystectomy Increases the Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Nationwide Longitudinal Cohort Study (JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE)

Association of remnant cholesterol with risk of dementia: a nationwide population-based cohort study in South Korea (The Lancet Healthy Longevity)

High remnant-cholesterol levels increase the risk for end-stage renal disease: a nationwide, population-based, cohort study (LIPIDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE)

Cholecystectomy increases the risk of metabolic syndrome in the Korean population: a longitudinal cohort study (HEPATOBILIARY SURGERY AND NUTRITION)

Cholecystectomy Increases the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in the Korean Population: Data From the National Health Insurance Cooperation Health Checkup 2010-2017 / Cholecystectomy increases the risk of type 2 diabetes in the Korean population: data from the National Health Insurance Cooperation health checkup 2010-2017 (Annals of Surgery)

Association between Sleep Duration and Incident Diabetes Mellitus in Healthy Subjects: A 14-Year Longitudinal Cohort Study / Association between sleep duration and incident diabetes mellitus in healthy subjects: a 14-year longitudinal cohort study (JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE)

Remnant Cholesterol Is an Independent Predictor of Type 2 Diabetes: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study / Remnant cholesterol is an independent predictor of type 2 diabetes: a nationwide population-based cohort study (DIABETES CARE)

Waist circumference and end-stage renal disease based on glycaemic status: National Health Insurance Service data 2009-2018 (JOURNAL OF CACHEXIA SARCOPENIA AND MUSCLE)

Remnant cholesterol and the risk of cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes: a nationwide longitudinal cohort study (CARDIOVASCULAR DIABETOLOGY)

Association of the atherogenic index of plasma with cardiovascular risk beyond the traditional risk factors: a nationwide population-based cohort study (CARDIOVASCULAR DIABETOLOGY)
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